Friday, March 23, 2007

What Not To Wear

It's Friday night and I'm in Detroit, not Baltimore as originally planned. Yesterday I came home from work feeling even worse than I had been. I had gone to the gym on Wednesday and was only able to do 25 minutes on the elliptical. The Libertarian came over to see how much longer I had to go, so that I could stretch his knee, and I discovered that not only couldn't I breathe, I couldn't speak - not a good sign. I wasn't too concerned though, I figured I could get through the weekend and see how I was doing on Monday. Yeah, not so much.

Yesterday I noticed that the fleece jacket I normally wear for warmth at work was bothering my right arm. Besides that I simply didn't feel well. I was very tired and really not very happy. I would have called the dr. for an appt, but I had The Libertarian's big mother truck and I just didn't feel up to driving all the way to the dr's office in it. I'm not comfortable driving something that large. When I got home, I called the dr. and asked them to have him call me which they said they would do. I then called RR to tell her that I was contemplating not coming as I just didn't have the energy for visiting. She understood and told me to let her know for sure. I then called the YS (younger sister), left a message and then went to bed.

Dr. called me back around 5:30, we discussed my breathing issues, so he called in a new antibiotic for me. I couldn't even face driving the truck again, so I texted The Libertarian, but he was already home (45 minutes away). He offered to come up and pick up the prescription for me, but there was no way I was going to make him do that because I was too wimpy to drive 8 blocks. I threw on clothes, but couldn't face shoes, so put on my slippers and walked out the door. When I got outside, I noticed that both of Ursamajor's cars were there. I went back in and knocked on her door and she was so sweet and said, yes, she'd drive me to the pharmacist to get my drugs.

The YS finally called me back (she was at work), and when I told her about my arm which by this time was just exceptionally pain to even the lightest touch and sensitive to temperature, to say nothing of the tingling pain in my hand, specifically my thumb knuckle. It was a different pain/sensation than when I had my herniated disk, so I wasn't worried about that so much, but I wasn't happy, nonetheless. Her initial thought was heart attack, as she has this tendency to go straight for the worst possible scenario. I think I rolled my eyes. She had a few other thoughts, but I wasn't convinced. She wanted to talk to a few other people, and said she'd call me back. When she called me back, she said, "Shannon, the OT here, thought shingles." My heart dropped as I had had that thought myself, but didn't want to go there. I had it exactly two years ago and it was a miserable experience, and it lasted forever.

This morning I tried to get a dr.'s appt., but my GP had no appts today, so I called my old doctor (the one who diagnosed the shingles two years ago, and diagnosed my herniated disk 6.5 years ago), but she couldn't get me into today either. I made appt. to see the GP on Monday and then my old doctor for tomorrow. My issue with my old doctor is that she's a No Insurance doctor - which is totally great for people who don't have insurance - so my appt. tomorrow will cost $45 vs the $20 co-pay if I waited until Monday. After talking to The Libertarian, I went with the $45 doctor and canceled Monday's appt. I talked to Martha later and she agreed that it's better to get it taken care of sooner rather than later.

I hope it's not shingles, but if it's not then what is this strange painful sensation in my right arm? Maybe the alternative is worse. At any rate, I'm home. I didn't get to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner tonight. I didn't get to hang out with RR and catch up and meet her 3-year-old son. Tomorrow I won't be sightseeing in my nation's capital or going to see SuperDiamond. Sunday I won't be having alone time with the YS and eating a second time at the Cheesecake Factory (I really wish we'd get one in Detroit). The only high point is that all this means I didn't have fly which is just such a complete PITA these days that I simply dread it. That's the only silver lining and I'm afraid that it's only plated, not a solid or sterling lining.

It's now time for bed. I hope everybody else's weekend beats the crap out of mine.

Update: The doctor said it's not shingles. She think my arm issues are related to my chest congestion and recommended that I see my regular doctor to get a prescription for a chest x-ray. She's the third person to say "pneumonia." So, essentially I wasted $60 since I have to go to my regular doctor anyway. Let's hope I can get an appointment tomorrow.

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At Sunday, 25 March, 2007, Blogger Jason said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. There is a Cheesecake Factory coming to the Detroit area...either in Novi or the Birmingham/Bloomfield area. I'll get the details from my source.

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger Kathleen said...

Jason - About friggin' time!!! Not that I'm loving the locational choices.

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger Heather said...

I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad! I hope you get better soon! We have a Cheesecake factory in Denver so if you ever visit out here, I'll take you there! :)

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger Brian said...

hope you are feeling better

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger fermicat said...

Wow, that arm symptom sounds freaky. Hope things are better soon.

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger Kathleen said...

Heather - EVERYBODY has a Cheesecake Factory but Detroit. Hell, Cleveland has TWO!!!

Brian - Thanks. Me too!

Fermi - Yeah, it was freaking me out. I was so scared it was shingles again that I was almost crying. Once is really more than enough.

Smed - Exactly.

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger Beth said...

My father had shingles and it was terrible. Glad you don't have them! I tend to balk at illness. If I starting feeling down, I just keep going and don't give it a second thought. I rarely get sick so it must be doing something for me. I'm one of the weirdos who believe what you think about, you bring about.

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger fakies said...

Criminy, that sounds like a hideous weekend. Hope you are better soon. Pneumonia isn't much better than shingles!

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger Kathleen said...

Beth - That whole positive thinking does not work for me, sadly. And yes, having had shingles I can vouch that they are not fun.

Trina - Yup, pretty much sucked. I just hope they're wrong about the pneumonia.

At Monday, 26 March, 2007, Blogger fermicat said...

My great grandmother got shingles and died. But she was, seriously, 102 years old. I kid you not. I guess whatever illness you develop at 102 will get ya.

Here's hoping you get a long way towards 102 and never get shingles again.

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Blogger Kathleen said...

Fermi - I had a friend in college whose mother got shingles and she got the type that lasts for years. I was scared to death two years ago that I was going to be the same. The two months of pain was, weirdly, a relief.

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Blogger Scott said...

Bummer on the arm problems. I hate it when I have so much as a sniffle. And doctors offices really piss me off, how they insist you come on time then leave you hanging in the lobby for two hours. I hope things work out.

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Blogger mr. schprock said...

We have several Cheesecake Factories to choose from out here. Come to Boston after you're cured.

Hope you're feeling better.

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes. I hope you find out what's up and that it's nothing horrible. And we just got a Cheesecake Factory here...we were going to go for Lando's sister's birthday, but it was stupidly crowded, so we decided "fuck that" and went elsewhere. I'm not going until the novelty has worn off, even though cheesecake has a mighty gravitational pull...

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! ~hugs~ And sorry I missed you on this visit. No Kathleen in Detroit is as bad as no caffeine in coffee! Next time, TJ's is on me!

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Blogger Kathleen said...

Scott - My old dr. was like that. I always took the latest appt. in the day because I knew no matter what I wasn't getting out until after 5:00. My present doctor is great. I was called on time, he came in, did his thing, got me out in time to get the X-ray and to the other side of town in time for another appt.

Schprockie - EVERYBODY has a CCF except Detroit. The rumor I heard was that although the couple started it in Detroit, they moved fairly early on to LA and they have refused to put one here because they hate Detroit. That pisses me off.

Loopy - I have to tell you, it is worth the weight. The food is really good, so much so that I rarely have room for cheesecake and I LOVE cheesecake.

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Blogger Kathleen said...

Suzy - I wasn't actually very good company, so it was probably for the best. I was just feeling sorry for myself for being home when I should have been somewhere else.

At Tuesday, 27 March, 2007, Blogger Kelly said...

I hope you feel better soon and that you don't have anything, TOO serious. I grew up in Detroit, what part are you in?

At Wednesday, 28 March, 2007, Blogger Ben O. said...

Hoping you get that appointment . . .

and hoping you get better . . . NOW!

Ben O.

At Wednesday, 28 March, 2007, Blogger Kelly said...

I grew up on the East side of the city, near the Grosse Pointe Border. Then in my 20's I moved to St. Clair Shores.

At Wednesday, 28 March, 2007, Blogger Kathleen said...

Ben O - Had it yesterday, now to await results of the X-ray!

Myutopia - I know GP a little bit as a friend lives there.


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