Monday, March 07, 2005

Babysitting Terror Children

Well, somehow my lungs have once again taken in an uninvited guest (at least I didn't invite the bronchitis) and I'm feeling a tad shitty. It started Thursday night, but I ignored it on Friday for the sake of my fat ass and I did an hour of cardio, an hour of yoga and then an hour of weight lifting. I then went home and showered and then crashed for something like 2.5 hours. I hate it when I take long-ass naps because I have the damnedest time getting up afterwards. I just want to stay all snugly in my bed and ignore the rest of the world. I had to get up though as I had tix to the symphony. Urs had kindly agreed to go with me after my lame-ass sister couldn't be bothered to spend time with me. "It just doesn't interest me." Whatever!!!

We had a splendiferous time listening to the DSO do their thing to Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. And then we, of course, went to TJ's and a lovely snack. Sadly, I just read that original owner/founder of TJ's died this past weekend. I'll be out of town on April 3, so I'll miss the tribute to him. And how cool that his charity of choice is the Dearborn Animal Shelter, where I got the two terror cats, Igor and Boris.

One of my co-workers has told me multiple times that TJ's makes the best nachos. Well, I tried them on Friday and wow! They are SO YUMMY!!! And when you can't finish them and want a doggy bag? They bring you lids to cover the sour cream, jalapeƱos and salsa. How unbelievably clever! I ran into the present owner when I was leaving and I told her it was so smart of her, as that stuff always spills all over and makes a mess.

Saturday I woke up feeling like shinola, but I forced myself to go to yoga. I spent Saturday at my brother's house watching the Terror Children. I was supposed to take my laundry but decided against it as it is just a royal PITA getting it home as my laundry basket isn't big enough for all the laundry I had to do. I got it mostly done yesterday before I had to go back to my brother's for two of the Terror Children's birthdays. The middle Terror Child (not his birthday) has become quite enthralled with The Wizard of Oz, since my older nephew's birthday party when CBC was showing it (in place of Hockey Night in Canada). I took it with me when I went on Saturday and they watched it with a million questions that I couldn't answer. "Did the guards like working for the witch?" "Do the monkeys like the witch? I don't like the monkeys." And so on. They then asked if I'd like to leave my copy with them and I declined. But I did pick up a copy for the oldest Terror Child's b-day and the two older kids were thrilled to pieces with it. I'm telling you, Obsessed might not be too strong a word here.

The youngest Terror Child is beyond enthralled with caterpillars which he got from one of those religious based kids videos/DVDs that are out there. As I like to wait until the last minute to get gifts, I had to stop at the Family Christian bookstore after babysitting on Saturday to get the kid something. He wanted a ladybug of some sort, but the nice girl working there hadn't seen one. I whipped out my handy-dandy cell phone (they really are helpful inventions) and called Older Brother and he said that all three kids swear that they saw it there. He also asks me Nice Girl's name and he said, Oh, she knows the kids. So, I ask if she knows the Terror Children and she became even nicer and more helpful. She's apparently the middle Terror Child's girlfriend, and has been for two years. She checks the computer and discovers there is a ladybug in the store so we tore the stuffed animal shelves apart and found the only one! WOOHOO!!!! Aunt Kat scores!!! And even though he didn't seem that thrilled when he opened the box, he did ask him Mom later if he could take it to bed with him and when she said Yes, he gave the cutest little shrill yell of enjoyment. It was pretty funny. And I asked Oldest Terror Child if the Wizard of Oz DVD was okay (as it is the middle child who is completely obsessed) and she said, "More than okay." With a huge smile. So, Aunt Kat scored again! I hope they remain easy to please their entire lives!!!


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