Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Boring Little life

I think my life is too boring for an on-line diary. Monday's big excitement was returning the ultra-expensive yarn I bought on Saturday when I was apparently braindead. I had two gift certificates, or so I thought, but when I went to check out, I discovered that I only had one of them on me. I ended up taking everything out of my basket except the ultra-expensive yarn, the needles I had promised to pick up for Martha and the needles I will need when I make my own felted backpack (I'm sure I'll be telling you all about that since it requires things like decreasing and shit like that). That night I lay in bed thinking to myself, "What the fuck is wrong with you, girl? What are you going to do with a shawl (this is what I imagined I would make) that has over $80 worth of yarn in it. I could barely sleep I was so stressed out. Stupid, eh? The yarn store was closed on Sunday so I called yesterday to make sure it was returnable (it was, as long as I hadn't tried using it) and get their hours (12-8). Whew. I reassured the woman that the yarn hadn't even come out of the bag. It was a gorgeous afternoon for a drive along Hines Drive, so I wasn't completely dreading rush hour traffic.

Of course, there was the requisite slow person (was doing 25mph in a 40mph zone), which makes my blood boil. I'm sorry you're old and feel the obligation to buy a big ol' Buick, but why must you be out during rush hour if you're scared to death to drive now that you've reached the age of 75!? There were two other cars in front of me and once the slow-poke turned off (being very careful not to roll that Buick), the three of us took off from the frustration of having just gone 20 mph under the speed limit. Thankfully, we got our emotions under control within a mile because there was the Sheriff sitting in a side drive. Whew! So glad I was only going 45 as we went past. The sight of the Sheriff's car though scared the crap out of the lead car and she slowed to 38mph. ARGH! I got past her at the next light, thankfully.

I had been thinking that from now I'm doing all my yarn shopping at the Lansing or Royal Oak stores as those people are the friendliest, but then the woman at Plymouth was very nice yesterday and even though $50 of my returned yarn was on a gift certificate, she refunded my credit card ($10 less than I had put on it, since needles are relatively cheap) since I think it was easier than figuring out exactly what was what. I now have the $100 GC left and until the end of February 2005 to use it. Maybe I'll get brave enough to make myself a sweater and I can use the $100 for that.

Yesterday I was going to buy the Star Wars trilogy on DVD (finally), but then I had to go to the hospital to visit my cousin who gave birth on Monday. She had an adorable little boy with the fullest head of hair I've ever seen on a newborn (and my nephew had a ton when he was born 16 years ago). He was 10 lbs. 1 oz and either 21 or 22 inches long. He already has cute adorable full baby cheeks! He is very sweet. So add another baby blanket to the list of stuff I have to make. *sigh* I do keep myself busy!!!!

I got home shortly after 8:00 p.m., had a spinach salad for dinner and then crawled into bed to finish Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven. My next entry will deal with that, as I think it's worthy of its very own!


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