Last of the Political Entries
Saw this article this morning and just want to make sure all of my European readers (and I know there are myriads of them) know that 54 million Americans did NOT vote for the present regime. And I take great issue with this statement (last of the article): 'The Times said Europe "must come to terms, not only with Mr. Bush, but with the nation that has elected him. This is a president who really can speak for America."' No, I'm sorry but Mr. Bush does not speak for me or for most of my friends. And I'm pretty sure that if most of those 59 million people had actually done any sort of reading/research and didn't just believe the terrorist hype, they wouldn't have voted for him either, except for the nutcase Religious Right.
I'd just like to remind the Religious Right/Moral Majority that this country of ours of which they are so proud to be a member was founded on certain principles and two of those principles are: Equality for All and a Separation of Church and State.
For some reason in this country "All" does not seem to include our homosexual brothers and sisters, just like when it was written it didn't include Black people. We figured out along the way that that was wrong, and it's now time to offer the homosexual members of our country the same rights and privileges that the rest of us enjoy.
Regarding the Separation of Church and State, I found this address from Benjamin F. Underwood to be as true today as it was in 1876. The statement, in particular, seemed particularly apropos:
There are others who are more intellectual, but quite as much under the influence of theological creeds, who are in favor of a union between Church and State, because they see that, from their standpoint, there is a logical necessity for it, to make the government harmonize with the teachings and demands of their religion. Upon the acceptance of their views depend the eternal interests of mankind, as well as that less important concern -- the welfare of the State. They, therefore, ask that their religion be sustained by the government and enforced, if necessary, by coercive measures, for reasons compared with which all other reasons seem petty and insignificant: namely, to save multitudes from eternal torture, and secure for them an inheritance of eternal glory.
And for some reason the man in the White House believes he has a mandate, even though the Wall Street Journal states that Bush's victory was "the narrowest win for a sitting president since Woodrow Wilson in 1916."
Okay, I'm done with politics for now. I'll try to write something relatively fun next entry!
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