Tie Your Mother Down
Yesterday I did the Dance of Relief. It is slightly different from the Happy Dance in that there is less exuberance, but no less feeling involved. We got the news shortly after 8:00 a.m. that our jobs were safe, but to refrain from doing the Happy Dance as other departments weren't done and it would be unseemly to be all happy and dancing willy-nilly while people were losing their jobs. Although nobody showed any emotion whatsoever in the meeting when it was announced, the feeling of relief was palpable the rest of the day throughout our area. People were really smiling for the first time this month. And I spent a little time in the afternoon going around the building to check on the status of my friends. They were all safe as of yesterday afternoon. Yay!
Thanks to all who sent good vibes, said prayers, lit candles, thought good thoughts for me, as they seem to have done the trick! Jobs are a good thing to have when the rent is due!
Have a good weekend!
Excellent! What more can I say?
At least there is no death on two legs. Well, then you could have said, "Now you can kiss my ass....goodbye!" with elan.
Congrats on keeping your job! I'm happy that your friends are safe too. It's still put a major damper on this town, but I'm happy to know that at least a few good people have been haven't been let go. Sounds like you may be having a Guinness tonight...
So, Chicago it is! ;-)
Hurrah! Congrats on still being employed :o)
I'm so out of the loop, I didn't even know anything was wrong. I'm glad it all turned out well though!
(cracks open bottle of champagne)
Welfl - You know how badly I didn't want to go job hunting!
Smed - Nice thought, but I would have been too stressed to think about doing it. Although I was thinking of the poor security guard who would have had to walk me out - twelve minutes THROUGH the whole building - instead of just to the door.
Jason - I wish.
Welfl - I had already decided that I was going to Chicago anyway. ;-)
Yelayna - Thanks. Hope you're doing well.
Beth - Life sometimes conflicts with our blog reading, I know.
Mr.Schprock - I love champagne!
That's so wonderful! Time to pop open the champagne and celebrate the good news. I'm glad you can keep you job!
So glad things turned out for the best. Nothing is worse than waiting for the other shoe to drop. Unless it's getting hit in the head with that second shoe.
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