Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Stand By Me

This moved me.

Stand By Me

Although there was an "embed" button, I couldn't get it to work. Trust me the click is worth it.


At Wednesday, 08 April, 2009, Blogger Evil Twin's Wife said...

That was really neat. Thanks for sharing.

At Wednesday, 08 April, 2009, Blogger Kathleen said...

Thanks. I felt the need to share.

At Wednesday, 08 April, 2009, Blogger Jenn said...

I can't get it to work from the house, I took the speakers off of this computer for the vacation and havn't hooked them up yet! UGH. That and it just stays at 00:00 and don't play with the satilite encription. Pbbblbbth.

At Wednesday, 08 April, 2009, Blogger fermicat said...


At Wednesday, 08 April, 2009, Blogger Kathleen said...

Red - Crap. It's very cool...somebody videod buskers all over the world singing (or playing instruments only) Stand By Me.

Fermi - Yup.

At Thursday, 09 April, 2009, Blogger LL said...

Moved you? Them damn cats have been having a negative effect on you...

Or maybe it's the old guy lust finally catching up with you too...

At Thursday, 09 April, 2009, Blogger fermicat said...

Old guy lust?!? He's not even 40. Hmpf.

At Thursday, 09 April, 2009, Blogger Hit 40 said...

OMG - igor and boris? LOL

At Thursday, 09 April, 2009, Blogger Kathleen said...

LL - I don't think you're as cranky and cynical as you make yourself out to be. Old Man Lust? Nathan Fillion wasn't in that video!

Fermi - That LL...

Hit 40 - Yup. ;-)

At Thursday, 09 April, 2009, Blogger Jorge said...

Very cool video. I'm pretty sure there's some kind of hippie subtext that I'm not getting, but I'll let it slide this time. ;)

Otherwise it was a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

At Friday, 10 April, 2009, Blogger Kathleen said...

Big of you, Jorge. ;-) Glad you let the hippie vibe must be too busy studying.

At Friday, 10 April, 2009, Blogger Jorge said...

Actually, I'm done as of yesterday. All my finals are over and I;m off for 5 weeks.

Today I'm on my own, but starting Monday we pull The Peanut out of daycare. I'll have her for 5 weeks and then MOna's Mom is taking a week off to hang out with her and then Mona is taking a week as well. She'll go back to daycare on June 1st.

I have no idea what I'm going to to do to keep her entertained for all that time, but not shelling out daycare money is worth it.

Care to sign up for a couple days of babysitting?

At Saturday, 11 April, 2009, Blogger Kathleen said...

Jorge - LOL! I'd love to, but you know, I still have a job, so i don't think that'll be feasible. ;-)


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